How to create a tier in commissions

How to create a tier in commissions

Create a Tier for Category Type - Revenue or Profit:

  1. Click on 'Commissions' > 'Add Commission' and fill in the details. 
  2. Click on 'Next' and fill in the details.
    If the opportunity is $1,000 worth of sales, they will be commissioned $50. If the opportunity between $1000 and $2000, they will receive a commission of $150. Lastly, they will receive $300 if the opportunity is more than $2000.

    'No upper tier limit' – if checked, the sales rep will stop receiving commission once they hit the “Tier End” mark. If unchecked, the sales rep will continue to receive commission on all sales.
    'Applies to all tiers' – if checked, once the sales rep achieves their goal, they will receive that commission amount on all current and previous opportunities.

  3. Click on 'Next' to set criteria and save commission

Create a Tier for Category Type - Pre-Product Category(Target must have the Target Type set to ‘Pre-Product Category')
  1. Click on the 'Commissions' from the menu options, go to tab 'Add Commission' and fill in the details. 
  2. Click on '+/- Products', select the products and click on 'Update Commission'. 
  3. Fill in the rest of the details and click 'Save Commission'.